The shabby shed is finally finished...
and it's a little craft studio!
I've filled it with crafts representing many of the things I love to do.
The shed is pretty much filled with things I have made myself
and a few special little treasures from my friends.
There just had to be a teeny tiny shabby cottage in there!
Cardigan a gift from Frederica.
Making a vintage sheet music wreath.
Sewing and knitting.
A cupboard overflowing with craft 'stuff'.
I think most crafters have at least one of these in their house!

Dollhouse building.
Little oil painting done by my mother!
The scene is a beach we used to go to when I was little.
Tiny polymer clay creations in the making.
Tiny embroidery.
My Bernina sewing machine is in a case like this and it's almost as old as I am!
Walnuts from Kim.
Beautiful shabby toolbox and fabulous tools a gift from Kim.
I think the tiny birdcage with old books and a nest inside and the tiny vintage tin on top might be my favourite thing I've made!
As usual there are things in here I'd love to have in my real house like an old shutter.
Coffee and cookie made by Kim.
Tiny copy of Mini-ologie magazine (featuring my barn!) made by Lori Turner-Dolinsek.
I was lucky enough to meet Lori went I was in America and she sent me the magazine when I got home.
Night time!
A birds eye view.
I hope you've enjoyed that little tour around the shabby craft shed!
It's kind of 1:12 scale or maybe a little bit smaller, I'll try to do another post soon showing the scale of some of the very tiny things in there.
I hope you've enjoyed that little tour around the shabby craft shed!
It's kind of 1:12 scale or maybe a little bit smaller, I'll try to do another post soon showing the scale of some of the very tiny things in there.