I spent some time the other day lingering over at Kim Saulter's beautiful blog
'It's a Miniature Life'. And I got inspired! I saw a little 'Bakery' sign there and I wondered if I could make something like that for the 1:1 house.
I went rummaging through my scrapbooking stuff and found a sheet of stickers and some pretty pink paper and in no time at all I had my sign! It just needed a frame. Then I spied some dollhouse cornice moulding and a few minutes later I was feeling very pleased with myself!

Then I thought why stop now? I have this old plastic gold frame and a cupcakey postcard (I bought a long time ago from
Everyday is a Holiday) I could put it in...it took a few minutes to paint the frame and an hour to find just the right sheet of paper to go behind the picture.

The small cupcake is a hanging decoration from
'Everyday is a Holiday'. I found a little canvas in the cupboard and covered it with paper to mount the cupcake on.
The mosaic cupcake I made a while ago, it was my first try at mosaic and had been up on the wall there looking so lonely for so long.
I'm so happy with my 'cupcake corner'! Liberty looked at it all and said, "That's the prettiest thing you've ever done mum"! And fortunately hubby likes it too!
The best thing was that I did all that without buying anything! And Debbie - that's three more sheets of scrapbook paper used!
And YES I am going to visit the fabulous
Linda Carswell in Tasmania soon...which is why I'm trying to occupy myself without spending any money!