Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Building Furniture for La Salon

As the Salon is such a small space I'm going to have to build most of the furniture from scratch. 
As usual I'm just using what I have.
The process starts with a very quick sketch of an idea.
Things don't always end up like the we'll just see how it goes.
I find it easier to use cardboard rather than wood, no fancy cardboard, just whatever is lying around.
The legs came off a funny looking chair I had no use for.
A coat of paint always makes a difference.
Decided it needed a few extra bits.
Legs fell off..LOL!!
Sometimes (er, most times) I rush the making and paint before the glue is properly set and everything falls apart. 
A bit of aging. 
However it's night time as I'm working on this and 
it might need a little less aging once I see it in daylight.
Well, that almost ended in disaster! 
I was getting the fabric ready to glue in place when I knocked over my cup of paint water!!! "#@!%*^%#@*" Fortunately nothing got damaged. Just a lot of little things to be moved and a tonne of water to mop up. 
And now I realise how badly my desk needs to be tidied! 
Oh, well, that can wait til tomorrow...

et voilà !
I wasn't going to take pics of it in the house because there are no lights yet and like I said it's night time here but the pics worked!
Can't wait to see it in daylight tomorrow.
Then I'll know what adjustments need to be made...or if I need to start again.

Thank you all so much for the comments you leave, you really make my day. 
Your advice and input is greatly appreciated! 
Writing these blog posts is pushing me to get things done. 
So glad you're on 'La Maisonnette' journey with me!


  1. It looks so good when it's done! Your tut makes it seem easier than most projects I try. I Have to give it a go. I usually use mat board for my builds-easier than wood. Thanks

  2. It looks lovely!

    I'll have to try this out and see if I can make it work on my Cricut since I can't cut a straight line to save my life freehand.

  3. that's fine! just moving on
    Hugs Britt

  4. El sillón se ve precioso!! y la tela de encaje que has elegido funciona maravillosamente!!

  5. It has been a long time since I wolrked on a dollshouse but I enjoy seeing what you make

  6. Your sofa looks really good, you're full of ideas.

  7. Your sofa is so sweet Mercedes! How did the paint finish look in daylight? I have learnt my lesson painting things in bad light so I avoid painting in the evenings now!

  8. Stunning! I nearly had palpitations with you as I rushed through the post to see what happens next. Small disasters are the order of the day on my worktable too. I now have a paint-water cup that can't be knocked over... in theory.

  9. So talented to design and make this all on your own, Mercedes! Beautiful work!


Thank you for your comments!