I just love little houses! So I've made the little houses on the shelf for the girls bedroom in my dollhouse. They're a little bit like the real ones I made for Liberty's room that I showed in my first ever post here

I also made the bed and the wall shelf a while ago. The bookcase was a cabinet with doors that didn't open, I got it at the $2 shop and modified it. As you can see the flooring still hasn't been finished.

I've also been making little notice boards. At the moment this one is in my little laundry.

The pink one I made for the roombox I gave my neice for Christmas. She changes that little room around every day and even bought herself a 'grand piano' at the $2 shop! You can see the whole roombox in an earlier post here

The things they make are sooooooo cute. This little picture turned out better than I expected. I don't have enough patience to wait for glue or paint to dry, I had it all finished and hanging on the wall within an hour. And yes I was worried that I would get paint on the wall, but I didn't! I bought the little cupboard off a lady at the dollhouse club. I think I'm going to have to fill it with quilts.
I hope you're all having a creative day!