I had a bit of fun making these tiny rose arrangements. They were very simple to make and if I had more roses I'd show you how I made them. The pink ones are going in the shabby house.

Here's a birds eye view.
The rosebuds are the tiniest I've found, 1/8th of an inch. I bought them at a craft market from a scrapbooking lady who was selling them quite cheaply. But that market is three hours drive from where I live so I won't be back there anytime soon. If anyone knows where they can be found online please let me know.

Here's my new 'currency scale' lol!
The first coin is a New Zealand 10 cents, it's the smallest coin we have now (both in size and value). Then there's the Australian 5 cents, a Canadian 10 cents and a US dime. Those coins represent the extent of my global travels, sorry there are no European coins - am still saving up for that trip!